Cleveland Clinic

Friends and family...….
Many have been asking how did things go, what were the results of the testing.....So I want to update you on our trip and what the next steps will be.

Jeremiah 10:23 "I know, O Lord, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps."

This verse can not be more clear about how Dave and I live our lives. As I reflect on our trip....God made every step and by faith we walked on each stone to get there.

Day one: Our morning was filled with orientation meetings, bloodwork, CT scans, X rays, echocardiogram, EKG, and a meeting with the social worker in the afternoon. We were informed  about how much money we would need for the first year of transplant as well as the reality of relocating to Cleveland for at least three months. The challenges are GREAT, but our God is BIG and we have seen Him do many miracles in our lives.

Day two:  This day started off with six challenging breathing tests for Dave. They were hard, but the technician said that Dave did a great job and that he wished all of his patients were as easy as Dave. (He is a rock star!) Dave had opportunity to share our testimony and give glory to God for all that He has done!! In the afternoon, we met with the nurse coordinator/practitioner who explained the ins and outs of the program and had Dave answer many medical questions. We then met the CF transplant doctor and is a genius when it comes to knowing how transplants and CF work together.  It is complicated. He recognized that Dave's case is very risky. His biggest concern is the diaphragm as well as the antibodies panel.  The doctor was a straight fluff! We both liked that. He did have some suggestions to help with Dave's lung function and was going to reach out to Dave's doctors at Barnes. God blessed that as well.....his doctors received those suggestions and are going to try a few new things.

Day Three:  In the morning we met the CF doctor and a CF dietician. They basically wanted to know how he was managing his CF and if he is compliant with his CF regiment. In the afternoon, we met with the infectious disease doctor. She looks at all Dave's previous viruses/bacterial infections to determine if he would be a viable candidate for transplant. She also analyzed his medicines and antibiotic regiment from the past and present.

SO....that was our three days in Cleveland...mixed in with some good food and fellowship with my amazing parents who drove us to Cleveland and made sure we had all our needs met!!!  Dave's quality of life has really declined in the last few months. He has higher levels of CO2 (which create side effects), loss of appetite, and low red blood cells/hemoglobin. We are encouraged that we have the right people looking at his case. The NEXT step is WAIT until Monday....or the following Monday. His case will be brought before the committee of doctors and surgeons and they will decide if they can proceed with Dave's case. If they say yes...we have to go for additional testing in about six to eight weeks. This means that we need to keep Dave healthy and strong. Our prayer is that Dave would regain his energy levels and that his doctors here in STL would have wisdom and discernment to find ways for him to regain lung function and weight.

Specific requests:
-increased lung function
-Dave would gain weight-increase his appetite
-financial provision
-healing for Angela's cancer-continue to die and dissolve
-our boys and the adjustments they are making
-NO sickness
-Dave would receive disability VERY quickly - he had to quit his job
-sustain us both in our suffering

Thank you for ALL your prayers and concern! We felt every one of them! We are SO blessed and continue to walk by faith through this valley.

Acts 17:24-25 "The God who created the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does NOT dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, because it is HE who gives to all [people] life and breath and ALL things."

We believe HE will give us everything we need for the journey ahead. HE is a GREAT and MIGHTY GOD!!!

Blessed - Angela and Dave


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